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How to make an egg sheet November 16, 2008

Posted by AnnaTheRed in how-to (all), how-to - decorations/basic stuff.
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Every Sunday, I’m going to post random stuff. It could be a neat trick for making kyaraben, or a super easy & yummy food recipe I found, etc…

Today, I’d like to share “how to make a super durable egg sheet.” I’ll also show you how to make flowers using the egg sheet in a separate page.
In Japan, they sell “obento sheet” at a super market. It’s an edible sheet which comes in three colors, yellow, orange, and green. (egg, carrot and spinach)
It’s very durable, so people cut it with scissors or a knife to make cute characters or various decorations for kyaraben.
But it’s almost impossible to get “obento sheet” in the U.S., but I found instructions for “how to make your own obento sheet” online.

[How to make an egg sheet (thin omelette)]
– one egg
– 1/2 tbs of corn starch

1. Crack an egg, and take the white blob thingy out. (so you don’t get a white lumpy spot on your omelette)

2. Beat the egg well.

3. Put 1 tbs of water in a bowl, put cornstarch in it, and stir it well. *If you put water on cornstarch, it’ll be lumpy and takes longer dissolve.

cornstarch on water, not water on cornstarch

cornstarch in water, not water on cornstarch

4. Put #3 into beaten egg, and mix it well.

5. Heat a pan, and put a bit of oil in. Using a paper towel, spread the oil all over the pan, and remove excess oil as well.

6. Pour #4 into the pan. Make sure the egg is evenly spread.

7. Try and see if you can peel off the edge of the egg. If you can, peel just a little bit off the edge all around the pan. (I use chopsticks to gently loosen the edge.)

8. Stop the heat, and let the egg cool off for a minute or so.

9. Carefully pick up the edge of the egg with fingers, and peel it up, and put the top side down on the pan. *The pan may be still very HOT, so please be careful not to touch the pan.



10. Turn on the heat, and cook the egg in low heat for about 10 seconds.

And now you have an obento sheet!

And now you have an obento sheet!

It looks like there are lot of steps, but it’ll take less than 5 minutes from step 6 to 10.
The great part of this is that you can freeze the egg sheet!
Just sandwich the egg sheet with saran wrap and put it in a ziplock.

Next time you use it, just take the sheet out, leave it out for about a minute, then it’s good to go!
You can also see “how to make an egg sheet” on my flickr page.

You can also check out more “how to’s”on my blog andmy flickr page.


1. Angeleyes - January 17, 2009

Oh thanks for sharing this one! The egg sheets are expensive! Maybe can make with some coloring so can have different colors too!

2. TrekkieGrrrl - April 14, 2009

Awesome! Especially the part about freezing them! I’ll be making egg sheets galore for my bentos now!

It’s the corn starch that does the trick! I’ve made them with plain egg and they fall apart.

3. Sharon - June 30, 2009

Thanks for the tip !Anw, do you need to separate the egg sheets with smth(like a cling wrap)?

4. sawhster - September 12, 2009

thank you so awesome!

5. bento #61: summer totoro « AnnaTheRed’s bento factory - September 14, 2009

[…] But I wanted to make sunflowers to make the bento summery. So I made an egg sheet (see “how to make egg sheets”) and made sunflowers. I put sunflowers in and tried to put cooked asparagus as its stem and […]

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